If a courier is transporting pets to the EU can the owner sign the written declaration of the AHC?
Last Update 2 years ago
The owner or someone authorised by the owner should sign the written declaration according to the updated Notes For Guidance issued in August 2022. Whoever is signing is also declaring that they will be reunited with the pet within 5 days and that the movement is non-commercial.
If a commercial carrier is used to transport the pet they are not allowed to sign the written declaration. The owner or a person authorised by the owner should sign.
The historical guidance is below for reference - just in case you want to know what was happening Sept 2021-Aug 2022
It is very clear in the APHA Notes for Guidance that the declaration "should be completed by the person travelling with the animal(s) during the movement".
If the owner (or agent / carrier) is not able to be present to wet sign the declaration then the owner will need to check with the port of entry whether they will accept a scanned copy of the declaration signed by the person travelling with the animals.
As a result OVForm does not give the option for the owner to sign the written declaration if the pet is travelling with a courier. We realise this is a pain, however it is the safest way to ensure a successful trip.
You may wish to contact the APHA for further clarification, please let us know if they advise differently at [email protected] so we can be aware of any changes to the APHA's recommendations.