Add or select a client


Last Update 3 years ago

  1. Select the relevant team and branch.
  2. Click on “Create New AHC”
  3. Click on the “Select a client” field
  4. A list of clients will drop down.
  5. Check if the client is already on that list – then you can simply select the client and click “Save and continue"
  6. If the client is not on the system, select “Create a new client” from the top of the client list.
  7. Enter their details in the panel on the right, and click save.
  8. Make sure the new client is selected, then click “Save and continue” – this will take you to the next step, “Select a vet”

You can also create a new client on the Clients tab on the Branch view.

  1. Select the Branch you want to add a client to
  2. Go to the Clients tab
  3. Click the "Create" button
  4. This will open a new page, fill in the clients details here.
  5. Then click "Create"

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