Upload a PETS10 form


Last Update 3 years ago

When you request certificate numbers from the APHA they will send you an email containing a PETS10 PDF form with 50 Unique Certificate Reference Numbers (UCNs).

You can upload that form (the original form emailed by the APHA, not a scan) directly to OVForm to automatically import the 50 UCNs

  1. Click on your Team and Branch
  2. Select the “Certificate Numbers” tab (far right)
  3. Click the 'Upload PETS10' button (top right)
  4. Select the PETS10 PDF file sent to you by the APHA
  5. You should see a Green bar at the top of the screen that says, "Successfully processed 50 certificate numbers". And those 50 UCNs should appear in the table below.
  6. Any existing numbers that were manually added will be preserved, including any certificate associated with the number.
  7. Mark any numbers that have already been used outside of OVForm as "Used externally". This will prevent them being accidentally used again in OVForm. You must not use a UCN twice.

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