How can I transfer a Team to another Owner?


Last Update a year ago

You currently can't transfer a Team to another user yourself, however we can do this for you if you email us at [email protected]

If you wish to use a different email address, i.e. you signed up with a personal address to try out OVForm and now wish to use a work address, you can change your email address on your profile.

  • Click your name in the top right corner.
  • Select 'Profile'
  • Enter your new email address next to 'email' in the 'Profile information' section, and click save.

A confirmation email will be sent to the new address.

Once you have clicked the link in the email, the email address you use to log in will change to the new address you entered.

If you wish to add a accounts/billing address and keep your own address as your login, send an invitation to join the team to the accounts email address and register a new account for that address (see: How to add team members), then email [email protected] and we can make that account the team owner for you.

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